School Programs for Acceleration and Recovery of Credit (SPARC)
The Office of Educational Opportunities supports schools by providing high-quality learning options for students to access high school courses outside of current school offerings, schedules, and locations.
High school students access self-paced blended courses in their high school SPARC program to:
- Earn original high school credits for graduation
- Recover high school credits for graduation
- Expand their range of courses and opportunities.
- Accommodate schedules that prevent them from taking a course when it is offered.
Each student personalizes learning by:
- Collaborating with a teacher to create learning experiences including independent on-line work, peer-to-peer group work and teacher-directed instruction.
- Determining when course assignments are completed outside of regularly scheduled meetings and assessments with the teacher.
- Accessing digital content from any location with internet access including their SPARC classroom.
BCPS has high academic standards for SPARC students and with direct support from teachers, students are expected to master their course content with no less than an 80%. There are over 20 courses offered through the SPARC Program.
For more information see your counselor or Mr. Wheeler.